Fire breaks out on Brookmont Dr in Yorba Linda (Photos)

Update with video footage from the scene at bottom of the page:

Our local rumor mill is working at full speed. At approximately 10:30pm on Saturday Nov 17 a small single unit home at 7061 Brookmont Dr. in Yorba Linda caught fire and nearly burned to the ground. Reports of explosions and drug manufacturing operations spread. There is still a lot of speculation going around about the details of the fire but speaking to a neighbor, I was told the explosions were caused by butane bottles blowing up. There were no reported injuries or damage to the neighboring homes.

The home was being occupied by a renter who moved in approximately June of 2017. Butane Honey Oil, (BHO) is believed to be the drug being produced at the time. Given the reports of small explosions, or gun shots, it is likely that butane bottles were being used to extract THC from the marijuana. It is unknown if this was a full blown production operation or just an individual making it at home on his own.

The renter was arrested at the scene last night according to neighbors. I can confirm large amounts of marijuana were at the scene as the smell was still very strong throughout the kitchen and unburned weed was visible in the rubble. As I get more information I will update this post.

I’ve also included a link to a Vice video that explains, well… glorifies BHO, but it is still very informative. You can find that video at the bottom.

Article updated 11/18/2018

Thanks to the courtesy of Colby Zethraeus, we have a couple of video clips from the fire that evening:

Its clear from the second video that the explosion/gun shot sounds were most likely the cans of butane rupturing from the heat.