What is The Corridor?


Welcome and Thank you! The Corridor is a free, full color, bi-weekly newsletter published in Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills and Placentia specifically for Yorba Linda, Anaheim Hills and Placentia. My goal is to highlight the local events, activities and big news in OUR community. News we rarely get to hear in an increasingly digital world. This is a family-oriented publication, I will steer clear of politics as much as possible. There is ample opportunity for you to get political news from other sources.

With that said, I want to welcome participation from our community. That means you! Do you have something interesting to say? An event that is open to the public and you want to get the word out? Let me know? Got a life hack you can’t live without? Share them. Have an aspiring writer in the family? Have them submit a short story and let’s see where it goes.

Finally, as (hopefully) you’ve noticed there is ample advertising space up and down the pages…. hint hint… as much as I would love to do the work of putting this together for free, I can’t. I need financial support to cover the costs of creating this publication. In the spirit of serving the community, I am reaching out to local business owners to advertise in The Corridor. If you would be interested in sponsorship, please contact me.