It’s been fun writing about The Corridor’s great selection of beer. We are blessed with hops and malts all around. It can be overwhelming at times with how much great beer there is surrounding us. So, in this issue I’m sending you to The Bruery Terreux in Anaheim. This brewery is exceptional. Here, you have the opportunity to drink world class beer with just a 10 minute Uber from The Corridor.
Have you ever wanted to try new beer? New styles of beer? Weird beers that you might actually like? Honestly if you have any interest in exploring beer The Bruery Terreux is probably the best place to start. There you will find a selection of easy drinking fruity beers that are delicious even for the most developed palate. They have these brusicle (bru-cycle) things that are unreal. Sour, fruity, sweet, and delicious you can’t go wrong with one of their sour beers. And of course, they have a wonderful selection of Belgiums, IPAs, and the most eclectic selection of bourbon barrel aged beers available this side of the Mississippi. I am not exaggerating, you have to go! There is no better place to explore beer.
And while we’re talking about exploring beers, there are a couple of things that should be said. First, you never know what you like in beer until you try. The amount of times I have been around people saying “I don’t like beer” and then I say “try this” and they say “oh that’s beer?!?!” is remarkable. Beer comes in a wide selection and you just got try some to find out if you too might love it like I do. The Bruery Terreux, for my money, is the best place to expose your pallet to wonderful flavors and good vibes.
Second, beer culture is different from most things in life. It’s chill! If you know nothing about beer don’t fret. People are excited to explain and help you find something you might enjoy. The Bruery Terreux exemplifies this culture. The bartenders may seem intimidating but if you walk up and say “I want to try new beer,” just sit back and enjoy the experience because you have arrived at the right place.
Until next time.. enjoy!